Location: Rm.2602, No.3, huacheng Ave. TianHe Qu, Guangzhou
Official Website: http://www.alicoco.com/en/
Main Products: Spiral Separator, Spiral Concentrator, centrifuge separator, Gravity dressing equipments, Heavy Mineral Sand equipments, dressing equipments for mining industrial and minerals processing such as gold, sliver, copper, iron, tin, tungsten, scheelite, chromite, ilmenite, rutile, zircon, rare earth, platinum, tantalum, niobium, barite, lead zine ore, manganese, hematite, pyrites, quartz, graphite, coal, mica, flourite, cinnabarite, uranium, etc...


At present, our company has successfully developed a variety of spiral concentrator, the scale is gradually growing, mine users at home and abroad have a good reputation. Products throughout Southeast Asia, Africa, India, Myanmar, Russia, Central Asia, Eastern Europe and dozens of countries at home and abroad. Our mineral processing equipment does not use chemical chemicals, water resources can be recycled, is environmental protection physical mineral processing equipment.  Certified as a high-tech product of Guangdong Province, the ore dressing efficiency of similar equipment at home and abroad is 5%-25% higher. The relationship between concentrate yield and recovery rate can be compared with shoulder shaker. The hourly handling capacity of a screw is 30 shakers. This is a disruptive innovation.  Different from the traditional equipment, our company’s equipment adopts modular design, which can be shipped in bulk, save long-distance shipping costs, and assemble in the mining area is simple and convenient. Simple operation, only 2 hours of training, ordinary people can easily master the assembly method of the whole screw concentrator, and complete the assembly of qualified equipment. We all know that flotation is the main process in the ore dressing industry at present, but flotation also has its limitations. The particles are coarse and fine, the ore dressing cost is high and the technological conditions are harsh, and there are many recyclable minerals in the tail of flotation. Now we have developed a set of process routes, summarized as: re-selection leader, flotation after breaking. Before the advent of our advanced helix, the ore is usually ground to 200 mesh to fine flotation process, but the cost of ore dressing is high. But with the birth of our new spiral concentrator, this problem will become history! The gravity separation spiral equipment will soon become the protagonist of the mineral processing industry. Our company’s spiral chute concentrator, participated in Beijing Mining and Metallurgical Research Institute in the low-grade refractory polymetallic ore total flotation process field of a number of research and development projects, successfully applied the screw concentrator in the flotation front-end grinding before pre-throwing tail, Greatly reduced the total cost of ore dressing, screw concentrator before grinding 1.2 mm particle size to do pre-throwing operation. The ratio of performance to price is better. Experiments show that the L type screw machine tin ore is enriched from 0.4% to 10.2% grade, the enrichment ratio is 22 times, the recovery rate of tin concentrate is equivalent to that of shaking bed, and the tailing is less than that of shaking bed. A scheelite in Tasmania, Australia, uses my spiral concentrator, and the recovery rate of the heavy separation process has reached 75. They used flotation, and the old flotation process is not as good as my spiral. Now their flotation is used for the removal of fine particles after re-separation. Congo gold malachite oxide copper ore, pre-milling from the original ore 0.4% grade with our spiral concentrator only once enriched 12 times, for the subsequent flotation to create good conditions.