Air in the midst of traffic contains five times more exhaust gases, pollutants and allergens than the air you experience standing by the roadside. On top of that, airflow through a vehicle’s air ducts can go as high as 540,000litres/hour. The only barrier between healthy lungs and the cloud of pollutants during every drive is the cabin air filter that you decide to install.
交通中的空气所含废气,污染物和过敏原的含量是路边空气的五倍。 最重要的是,通过车辆风管的气流可以达到每小时540,000升。 在每次驱动过程中,健康的肺部和污染物云之间的唯一保障是您安装的机舱空气滤清器。
Cabin Air Filters
A clean air filter aids in trapping pollen, allergens, smoke, fumes, and odors. With our cabin filters, you can be assured that road dust, pollen and other particulate matter will not be compromising your health or that of those around you.
When changed regularly, cabin filters can help to reduce contamination and wear-off of your vehicle’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. Having a clean cabin filter through a vehicle’s lifespan will thus sustain longer vehicle efficiency and reduce overall maintenance costs.
干净的空气过滤器有助于捕集花粉,过敏原,烟,烟和气味。 使用我们的机舱过滤器,您可以放心,道路上的灰尘,花粉和其他颗粒物不会危害您或您周围的人的健康。
如果定期更换我们的空调滤清器可以帮助减少污染,减少车辆供暖,通风和空调系统的磨损。 因此,在车辆的整个使用寿命中使用干净的车厢滤清器将可保持更长的车辆效率并降低总体维护成本。
Activated Carbon Cabin Air Filters
Conventional cabin air filters remove coarse particles such as road dust, pollen and particulate matter. These premium cabin air filters offer an additional activated carbon layer, and eliminate unpleasant odors as well as adsorb all harmful gases like Ozone, Sulphur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxide.
传统的空调滤清器可去除粗糙颗粒,例如道路灰尘,花粉和颗粒物。 活性炭空调滤清器提供了额外的活性炭层,消除了难闻的气味,并吸收了所有有害气体,例如臭氧,二氧化硫和氮氧化物。