Leaf Trimmer (Trimmer Machine)WS-TR-HS16
Inquire NowLeaf Trimmer (Trimmer Machine)WS-TR-HS16 (16”*400mm)
Superior Features: 1.Beautiful bowl shape 2.Lightweight and portable 3.Long lasting materials (stainless steel and plastic) 4.With inverted rubber twist spin blades 5.Transparent plastic enabling to look through the trimming process 6.Easy to use and clean after use 7.Fast and efficient cutting 8.Easily accessible for periodic maintenance Applications: in the processing of cash crops including basil, coriander, lavender, mint, parsley, oregano, and rosemary 1、 Remove the lid from the Bud Trim CENTRIFUGE Portable(Trimmer Machine) Leaf Trimmer’s base Remove the lid from the Bud Trim CENTRIFUGE Portable(Trimmer Machine) Leaf Trimmer from its base. The inside of the lid contains the high-density rubber fingers that are used to push the plant matter into the blade rack’s grill. The base holds the gearbox and blade rack. The cutting wires/blades are located below the grill. 2、 Place the untrimmed flowers/buds on the blade rack. Remove all the flowes / bulds from the main stems of your plants Place them on top of the blade rack’s grill (base) Place enough vegetation so that the grill surface is covered(approximately 40 dry grams). 3、 Place the lid and handle back on to the base. Place the lid and handle back on the top of the (Trimmer Machine)leaf trimmer’s base. 4、 Manicure your buds in under 30 seconds! Using the hand crank handle, make 15-30 complete turns. While you spin the hand crank, the built-in gearbox “transmission” multiplies the rate of the spinning blades by over 30 times. A combination of the rubber fingers pressing and rolling the flower/buds in to the spinning blades yields an hour’s work of perfectly manicured buds/flowers in under 30 seconds. 5、Remove the lid and collect your buds Like magic, you will see perfectly manicured bud florets 2 can be found in the catch basin below Don’t throw out the trimmings! These leaf trimmer (Trimmer Machine)are very finely ground and can be used in multiple application. Depending on the type of plants you are using with the leaf trimmer(Trimmer Machine), the trimming can be used in various cooking recipes or used for extracting the plant’s essential oils. 6、 Repeat the process as many times as you want! Keep repeating the above process until you have completed your harvest. The BudTrim CENTRIFUGE Portable Leaf Trimmer (Trimmer Machine)can literally turn a week of meticulous manicure work into just hours. When finished, simply clean the leaf trimmer (Trimmer Machine)like you would any other kitchen appliance.
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