Air Purifier

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Air Purifier

Input: DC5V-1A


Area:1-3 m2


Housing: Metal

Charge: Micro USB

1. HEPA H13

Four-layer cleaning system with enhanced air purification performance and effectiveness TRUE HEPA filter capable of removing sensitized pollutants including pollen, dust mites, formaldehyde, and dust.

2. DC Brushless Motor

Everything is silent! Quiet, durable and more energy efficient.

3. UVC LED Sterilizing

UV LED is new technology recently years. Old technology is UV Mercury lamp. New UV LED remove the UV-A & UV-B wave length which is bad for human. And keep the UV-C part for sterilizer. Through LED deep ultraviolet rays, destroy the DNA or RNA molecular structure of bacteria, so that bacteria cannot replicate and multiply, and the disinfection purpose is achieved.

4. Photocatalyst Filter

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