DAM1-1600 Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

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°Wide range:800A to 1600A(AC)
°Compact dimensions
°Adjustable thermal setting(40-100%)In.
°Adjustable magnetic setting(1.5-12 times)In.
°Push to trip button provision.
°Separate main and arcing contacts
°Wide range of accessories.

Circuit Breakers with Electronic Over Current Release:
The feature discriminating electronic circuit breakers from thermal-magnetic
breakers is to control the over current releases with electronic is circuit. Electronic is
control is performed via microprocessor.During design of the electronic circuit,
worst possibilities to encounter in operation have been taken into consideration. In high circuit currents, direct opening has been ensured without operating electronic circuit. In this way, possibility of failure in the electronic circuit has been eliminated.
-Maximum, minimum, average etc. Values of the drawn current at various time intervals (day-night) can be taken.Rated and Instant opening current adjustment areas of electronic circuit breakers are quite wide. This feature allows wide use opportunity to the breaker Furthermore, electronic circuit breakers are not affected from ambient temperatures.

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