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Product features
1.Lightning arrester element can be assembled or disassembled at any time with electricity, particularly surtabte for the places where shouki no< have biackout.
2.With disconnector, lightning arresler element can tum down automatically and exit working if there comes the fautt, ensuring the line’s nonnal traffic.
3.There are clear marks for element turned down for the fault easy Io find for timely maintenance or replacement.
4.Lightning arrester adopts composite housing and the dropout structure takes composite pillar with good hydrophobic performance and pollution resistance.
Removable lightning arrester is modified with distribution lightning arrester which is deveriy installed in the dropping slructure of a dropout fuse cutout. It can inspect, maintain or replace the arrester conveniently with the Insulating switching out operation under constant electricity, not only keeping the line smooth, but also greatly reducing the working intensity and time of power maintenance staff. It is particularty suitable for the places where should not have power failure, like telecommunications, airport station, hospital, prosperous business district, etc. Other performance of the product is the same with that of distribution type lightning arrester.
The second generation of dropout lightning arrester adds a disconnector. When there is something abnormal, the grounding end of dtsconnectcx will be disengaged automatically. Then the lightning arrester elements turn down and stop working to prevent acodent from further enlargement; more over, it is easy for maintenance personnel to maintain and replace it timely. The principle of its turning down is similar to the fuse lube caused by molten fuse in the cutout.
Our company has adopted the most advanced RW12 type dropout structure in the world at present, flexible contact, reliable assembling or disassembling. The advanced stainless cap of composite pillar has the features of quick speed of pollution resistance, wide ranjje of operating current, good current shock and action toad tolerance
Product performance meets the national standards o( GB11032-2000 (eqv IEC60099-91) ” A.C. Gapless Metal Oxide Lightning Arrester” JB/T8952?2OO5 “ Composite Housing Gapless Metal Oxide Lightning Arresler for A C. System” and GB311.1-1997 Insulation Coordination of High-pressure Power Transmission and Transformation Equipment”