
Usage It is particularly designed for use in glass bottles or cans making as an automoltenglass feeder to replace the manual feeding.Model C2 is a dropping feeder de-signed for use with auto or manual bottle making machines,applicable for both multi machines and multi droppings production.Its highly effective feeding,reasonable drop-ping amount,broad adjustable range and great application possibility make it capable of significantly improving the glass bottle mak-ing production both in quality and quan-tity and reducting labour intensity.MAINTECHNICALPARAMETERSDropping speed 12?58drops/min(stepless regulating) Feeding amount 0.014?1.7 kg/drop Normal length of die 685 mm Limit stroke of die updown movement 110 mm Homogenizer cylinder speed four different speeds are available,i.e;4 5 6 Max.lift of homogenizer cylinder from the pot plane at furnace head and 7.5 r/min

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