Cable Tracker

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Cable Tracker

Tracetone Tester

Judge Continuity of the Cables or Wires

Track the cables or Wires,and Diagnose the breack point: √

Recieve the Tone Singal on the cables or wires(Telephone line) : √

Identify the State in the working telephone line(Clear,Ringing,Busy) : √

Send a Single Solid or a Dual Alternating Tone to the Target cables and wires:√

Tone Generator Output(Square Waveform): Single(995Hz) or Dual(845Hz): √

Built-in volume control to meet personal preference:√

Standard Accessories: Manual,Card

Test continuity and located signal of installed wire and cable

Track the cables or Wires,and Diagnose the break point

Receive the Tone Signal on the cables or wires(Telephone line)

Identify the State in the working telephone line(Clear,Ringing,Busy)

Built-in volume control to meet personal preference

RJ-11 Alligator Clip and RJ-11 Cable Assembly included

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