Digital Camera DC963S

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LCD display: 2.7-inch TFTImage sensor: 9.0-megapixel

LCD display: 2.7-inch TFTImage sensor: 9.0-megapixel CMOS sensorStill image resolution: 16/12/9/5/3.1 megapixelsDefault resolution: 9 megapixelsPhoto file format: JPEGVideo resolution: HD (1,280 x 720) pixels, VGA (640 x 480) pixels at 30fpsDefault resolution: HD (1,280 x 720) pixels at 30 fpsVideo file format: AVIVideo with sound: yesBuilt-in microphone: yesPC camera: yesInternal memory: SDRAM 8 x 16MBExternal memory: SD/MMC/SDHC 128MB to 16GBMass storage function: yesDigital/optical zoom: 8x digital Aperture: TBDShutter control: electronicFocus: fixedEV compensation: auto/manualSensitivity: autoWhite balance: auto/manualScenes: auto/manualFlash mode: flash lightSelf-timer: 2s/10sContinuous shot: yesOSD Language: English (French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, traditional Chinese, and simple Chinese)Playback: yesVideo out: yesPC interface USB 2.0HDMI port: mini HDMIPower source: lithiumDimensions/weight: 99 x 59 x 23mm, TBD (without batteries)Supported O/S: Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7Standard accessories: USB cable, AV cable, CD-ROMStandard menu: EnglishAttached software: Arcsoft MediaImpression

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