Energy Meter
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single phase din rail watt-hour energy meter used advanced microelectronic technology and SMT manufacturing process of products,the products are used in rated frequency 50Hz(optional 60Hz)single phase AC active energy measurement.The LCD display used in the table.With the measurement of high precision,high sensitivity, reliable performance,load widt,low power consumption,small size,light weight,simple operation,easy to install and so on.The product meet the IEC 62053-21 standard for electronic energy meter of the relevant technical requirements.
Three-phase electronic pre-paid watt hour meter is developed on the base of excellent single-phase electronic watt–hour meter. It is a new type of IC card pre-paid meter,which has such function as power metering, load controland customer information management. It is an ideal product when reforming electric-use system, achieving electrical energy to commercialize, setting charge and adjusting load stage in the electric network. AII the indexes comply with the technological specifications aiming to the single–phase electronic pre–paidwatt-hour meter in the standard of GB/T 17215.321-2008 Class1and 2 Static A.CActive Watt–hour Meter and GB/T 18460–2001.
The wireless remote transmission smart meter Lorawan automatic transmission control board developed by Kaifeng Shengda Water Meter Co., Ltd. is mainly suitable for various meter manufacturers and terminal applications of remote meter reading system. The main chip of the module uses high-performance embedded ARM Cortex-M3 32-bit RISC controller, software multi-level detection, hardware multiple protection mechanism to ensure equipment stability.
The powerful ARM Cortex-M3 32-bit RISC chip microcontroller and Lorawan wireless spread spectrum chip, the module has no magnetic induction, the main voltage acquisition circuit and the meter acquisition circuit. The realization of each function is based on the standards formed in the industry for many years. In terms of the meter acquisition circuit, it can be set up with photoelectric acquisition, wireless pulse acquisition and other acquisition methods, and has strong magnetic interference protection, human damage alarm, low voltage alarm, Data storage and other functions. Livelihood projects such as smart cities and smart electrical services can be easily implemented.