New-type ONIX traction inverter for underground trains

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Being one of the most advanced railcar traction system products in the world, the new-type ONIX traction inverter has the following features:
1. It uses an AC VVVF speed governor system, which can exercise high-efficiency and intelligent vehicle operation control and also assume anti-idling and anti-skidding functions. By employing a regenerative braking system, the inverter can save energy and ensure low-carbon emissions.
2. Using a modular and standardized structure, the inverter can be conveniently modified, according to a client’s needs. It can also be manufactured in series and can be easily repaired or maintained on location or in-situ.
3. It uses an advanced dual 32bit microprocessor-controlled computer system and interfaces well with the vehicle’s network system. As a result, it is suitable for networking with urban rail transit, for example, and may be used in a fully-automated guidance system for unmanned trains (a pilot project in China);

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