Titant Series Commercial Storage Tank

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Titant Series Commercial Storage Tank

Titant Series Commercial Storage Tank is specially designed and made for many commercial applications, like electric energy, solar energy, heat pump energy,

and gas energy, mult-energy hot water system.

The Family has 800 Liter, 1000 Liter, 1200 Liter, 1500 Liter, 2000 Liter ceramic lined tank capacity.

The sacrificial anode helps protect the tank from the corrosive effects of water, and is accompanied by a 5 years tank warranty.

Product Features

Save on Power Bills

Can cut up to 80% of running costs compared to some electric storage units.

Suitable for use in harsh water quality conditions

The water does not make contact with any operational components, only the inner lining of the tank.

Solar without the panels

Hot water from solar energy, without the need for direct sunlight or roof panels. Heat pumps generate hot water day and night.

Easy Installation

A compact design resulting in reduced labour and installation costs.

How it Works

GMO Solar Heat Pump Water Heater makes use of the heat in the ambient air around the system, and a reverse refrigeration process to heat the water. This means the sun doesn’t need to be shining, and whats more, it is so efficient that it can provide reliable hot water 24 hours a day, even in temperatures as low as -10℃ with no booster element. 1. Sun Heats the Air.Heat pumps rely on ambient air temperature rather than incidental sunshine. Utilising refrigeration principles, GMO Heat Pump can extract heat from the air without the need for direct sunlight, and can produce hot water in rain, hail or shine without the need for a booster element. 2. Energised air inducted into heat pump. Once the air is drawn into the heat pump, it passed over an evaporator containing a refrigerant which boils at a very low temparature. The boiling refrigerant is then compressed causing its temperature to be raised even futher transforming it into a super-heated vapour. 3. Energy transferrred to heat cold water. Using GMO tank wrap technology, this super-heated vapour is fed through copper coils(condenser) wrapped around the outside of the water tank, heating the water evenly and efficiently from the outside in. 4. Cold air expelled. Once the heat has been extracted from the air and transferred to the water, the remaining cold air is discharged from the heat pump by fan. Once the desired water temperature is reached, the system will go into energy-saving standby mode until it is required to commence heating again.

Top Quality Parts

SCI compressor for R-290 refrigerant as R-290 are new alternative refrigerant with lower ODP and GWP than other conventional refrigerant.

High Quality Liquid Line Filter Drier

High Quality Expansion Valve 290

High Quality Sight Glass

100% Copper Material 55 Meters Heat Exchanger Wrap the 95% Cylinder Outside Surface Area, The Fastest Hot Water Recovery Rates

GMO Enamel Coating Heat Pump Water Tank

Titanium Blue Inner Tank

P/T Relief Valve,

WaterMark Approved



CCCME Member




Business Type:Manufacturer

Main Products:Photovoltaic, solar thermal, ground source heat pump, split energy-saving tank

Jiangsu light of Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. is a professional split solar, heat pump dedicated tank, flat-plate collector, central water heating systems and other new energy R & D, manufacturing and operation of high-tech enterprises. The company is located in the beautiful scenery, convenient transportation of the Yangtze River the Jingjiang provincial Hi-tech Development Zone, is a domestic combination of research, science, industry and the integration of new energy flagship enterprise.


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