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China National Light Industrial Machinery Corporation ( CNLIMC ),which is directlyadministrated by the State Assets Administrative Commission , was estabilish in Beijing in 1980.With over 20 years development,it now has grown to be a group boasting lO large-sized enterprises,4 scietitific research institutes,1 center and 2 trade associations.Its products are related to production equipment in such industries aspapermaking,plastics, brewery, beyerage, food, washing, chinaware, leather,shoemaking, hardware,sugar-refining, furniture, commoditychemical,commodity glass , horologe,battery,lighting and electrics, etc. CNLIMC enjoys high credibility and prestige. With continuous technical modi ficat ion and i nnovat i on, CNLIMC affiliated enterprises keep on ungrading production equipment .Their high-quality and technically leading machinery and equipment are not only sold to the local market, but also exported to the international market such as Japan, Russia,Nigeria, Pakistan,S aud i Arabia,Viet n a m and the Phi llppines ,etc . The two trade associations (China Nationa l Light Industrial Machinery Associat io n and China Weighing Instrument Association) which belong to CNLIMC ,have over l 0 special i zed sub-associations.For many years,the associations have been assisting the government in positively and efficiently administrating light industry manufacturers.They provide many abun d an t and satisfactory agency which result in establishing extensive and close contacts with the manufacturers and becoming a strong tie between established enterp r ises and the government and the market as wel l. They are now playing a more and more important role in promoting the development of Chinese light industry . CNLIMC enterprises and associations members are located in many mid-and large- siz e cities.Their good production faci1ities and convenient locations serve as a strong basi s for exchange and cooperation between those manufactures and their counterparts abroad.Some manufacturers in Finland,Germany, the USA and Chinese Ta1wan, etc . have formed joint ventures with CNLIMC enterpr1ses . With many years of development, CNLIMC enterprises can produce not only light industrial machinery and equipment,but also auxiliaries and spare parts,such as AC/DC motors, bearings, foundry parts,punching parts,plastic dies,fastening parts, etc .